All Roads Lead To Happiness
What comes after the curbs? The base layer, prime coat and then paving! We spent the past two weeks grading the road, compacting dirt, building rebar, pouring concrete and asphalt. We also flushed our water lines and hydrants, and dealt with some leaking pipes underground.
December 7, 2020
- Laid sub-base on road extension
- Built next rebar location box
December 8, 2020
- Graded sub-base to proper level
- Installed rebar in new location
December 9, 2020
- Finished grading sub-base
- Dug next pad and placed rebar
December 10, 2020
- Cleaned up curb edge sub-base
- Cleaned up any messes made and loose debris
- Put down prime coat for asphalt laying on Dec 11
- City inspected and approved
December 11, 2020
- Started & finished laying first asphalt lift
- Continued digging new rebar pad
December 14, 2020
- Rain delay for part of morning
- Continued digging new rebar pad
- Added final pieces to current foundation pads for concrete pour
- Began flushing water lines with chlorination until chlorine is depleted from water
December 15, 2020
- Cut a square of asphalt to retrieve a water line that was faulty
- Continued building other rebar for concrete pour soon
- Continued digging next foundation pad
December 16, 2020
- Began water line and hydrant pressure testing
- Continued digging next foundation pad
- Assembled rebar for placement
December 17, 2020
- Continued digging next foundation pad
- Continued building foundation walls
- Finished pressure testing, all tests passed
- Cleaned up site of debris and any other materials
December 18, 2020
- Continued cleaning up site of debris and any other materials
- Continued digging next foundation pad
- Concrete poured at 5:30am
- Continued flattening dirt along curbing for hydroseeding
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